Thursday, July 21, 2011

The End of Physics

Physics is the science behind everything and anything in motion. Objects, particles, waves, shadows, light, rockets and rainbows. It is the explanation of why things happen.
This was a really fun class. It definitely grew on me. The more we learned the easier it seemed to learn. Its like a language, once you pick it up you can understand it better and better with time. 
I managed to learn a lot in this class considering how short it was. I liked how we just got the basics down, so now i have a basic understanding of what physics is. And i like that everything we learned is applicable to the real world. That factor definitely made me more interested in learning the material. I learned about motion and the forces involved with movement,  acceleration and the role gravity plays, and energy. I learned what work is technically. And lastly, I learned about sound and light waves. Throughout each lesson several questions about day to day life we answered. Simple curiosities such as who made up the order of the rainbow - well that is based on the properties of each light wave. How come when your up to you neck in a pool it looks like you neck is missing? Because of the way light bends in different media. 
I learned a lot of important information that i know i will not be soon forgetting. The best part is that i had a fun time learning everything. We had really fun lab activities, and really cool demonstrations. The work load was manageable so the emphasis of the class was learning and understanding, not just striving for A's.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Unit 10 - Electromagnetic Waves

A flat mirror will reflect a virtual image. That is an image where the light rays do not come together. The distance of the object to the mirror will also equal the distance between the mirror and the image. Basically if you stand in front of a flat mirror you will see yourself as you appear.
If we bend the mirror so that it has convex or concave curvature then images become altered. The object is no longer perpendicular to the mirror and in line with the normal. The normal is always perpendicular to the mirror, but the object is not. Now there is an angle between the object and the normal so that bends the image. This is what makes fun house mirrors so fun and Cloud Gate, this giant bean mirror, so eye catching. We are not used to seeing things warped and stretched like they do in these mirrors. That is the magic of mirrors bending images.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Unit 10

Light waves will potentially go on forever. Unless of course it hits a surface. In that case  it will try to reflect if possible. Specular surfaces are smooth like glass or water. If the surface imperfections are smaller than the wavelength of the incoming light waves the light will reflect nicely. But we do not live in a world with tiny imperfections, so most surfaces are what we like to call diffuse surfaces. These are more rough such as roads or fabric. Light is not as visibly reflected on these surfaces.
My disco ball has a specular surface. Actually each mirror is specular and has its own "normal." A normal is the imaginary line perpendicular to the surface. The angle of reflected light depends on the normal. According to the law of reflection the angle of incidence, or incoming light, equals the angle of reflecting light. A disco ball reflects lights in so many directions because each little mirror making it up is positioned with different "normals." 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Unit 10 - Electromagnetic Waves

Imagine everything you know and recognize as a color actually being several waves reflecting off of a surface and bouncing back to your eye balls for you to perceive. Now that's what color is. When you see red, all the other light waves are being absorbed by the object except for red light. The red light waves reflect and bounce off for you to see. Each color has different wave characteristics such as: wavelength, frequency, and energy. Red has higher energy and wavelength. Since wavelength and frequency are inversely related red has a lower frequency. Violet has high frequency and low wavelength and energy. There is something called an electromagnetic spectrum that displays they colors in order of lowest to highest frequency. When ordered like so, the colors make a rainbow pattern.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Unit 9 - Waves

I learned the physics behind the waves of the ocean. When it comes to water, a longer wavelength has a faster velocity. So those two are directly related. When wavelength directly affects the speed of the wave this is called dispersive waves. Non-Dispersive waves travel at the same speed in the medium regardless of frequency. For example, sound waves are non-dispersive. 
When water is deep the velocity of the wave can be faster, and if the water is shallow, the velocity will be slow. Therefore depth, and the topography of the floor affect waves in so many ways. How they break, where they break, size and speed. For example lets say there is deep water and a wave is moving with great velocity. If all of a sudden the water gets shallow, the base of the wave will slow down but the top part of the wave remains at a high velocity because of inertia. When this happens eventually the base of the wave can't keep up with the top, so the top falls over thus creating a wave.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Unit 9

Today we learned about waves. Waves are all around us, in the ocean, in the football stadium, any sound and light. A wave is a disturbance or oscillation in space and time. Think of it as a wiggle in time and space. There are several properties to a wave, such as frequency. Frequency is the number of cycles that pass in one second. Cycles are measured by wavelength which is between two consecutive identical points of a wave (crest to crest, trough to trough, etc.) We use controlled frequencies to create different waves and make radio possible. Each radio station is represented by a number because that is the frequency of that radio wave. For example 93.9 has 93.9 waves pass in one second. This is frequency 93.9Hz or Hertz, the unit for frequency.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rocket Launch: Day 2

     We started launching with our old model, small fins and long skinny nose cone with a weight inside. Our launches were averaging three seconds and not doing very well. We made bigger fins and a new nose cone. We made our cone out of sturdier material. Before it was manila folder so we made our new one out of a cereal box. It was wider and shorter. Our launched were improving already but we cut more off of our fins and nose cone to make it smaller. We also cut off the top of our bottle so our parachute could fit into the top of the bottle as well as the nose cone. When it was only being stuffed into the nose cone it was getting packed too tight and wouldn't release. Overall our rocket was doing well even though we didn't get to achieve the ten seconds of flight time. One time the parachute stuck to the tape on the nose cone. One time the string of the parachute got wrapped around a fin so it didn't open up properly. We encountered a new problem with each launch and I think if we had more launch time we could have eventually fixed every problem. The hardest thing was getting the parachute to launch. I think what worked best was having a nose cone on loosely and a piece of the parachute sticking out. Once the rocket started to fall air could fill up this little piece of parachute like a pocket and the rest of it would open up. The hard part was finding a balance. We wanted it to stick out enough to do the job, but if it was too much it would create drag and slow down the initial velocity.
     We were shooting our rocket around 60 psi. That seemed to be when there weren't that many bubbles pumping into our rocket anymore. We filled it up almost half way with water, so just under one liter.
     I learned that the rocket was sensitive to physics, and one adjustment made all the difference. Weight made a big difference when we did not have weight in the tip of our nose cone it didn't work at all. The whole time though we had to consider the risk of weight over design. A more solid nose cone was risky of adding weight. Some risks payed off and some didn't. It really was an experiment. I found that despite the heavier mass, the cardboard nose cone worked impressively better. Since it was stronger it could take the hit better. The force of impact crunched he tip of our nose cone upon landing, but it saved our rocket from being damaged.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rocket Launch: Day 1

A lot goes into making a rocket. There is the body, the nose cone, the parachute, and the body fins. And they all have to come together. To make it all work out you can use physics to strategically create a rocket. Mass, acceleration, momentum, inertia are just a few things involved. We want our rocket to have a generally lower mass so that it will go higher. The force of gravity will not be as strong against it. We want our rocket to have a sturdy nose cone so that it can help cut through the air. Plus it adds stability and a great place to store and launch the parachute. A possible problem with our rocket, is the fin size. We have small fins and i think they should be bigger. Fins stabilize the rocket and our rocket did skew to the left. We also need to add weight to our nose cone. Right after our rocket reaches its maximum height and falls back toward the earth the weight in the tip of the cone will naturally accelerate toward the ground removing the cap and releasing the parachute. This is why our parachute did not release today.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Unit 8

You always hear the term "watt" used to distinguish which light bulb fits, sort of like battery types, but what does that mean. Well a watt is the power of the bulb. It is the amount of work or energy given in a certain time. So a 50 watt bulb gives off 50 joules of energy per second. We just call joules/second a watt, and that's what a watt is. The higher the watt the more powerful the bulb is.

If you know the watt of your bulb and can estimate how long it is on, you can actually calculate the amount of energy it uses. The power of watts multiplied by the amount of time gives you the amount of energy it uses (w=pt). So if my lamp is on for one week this is what i would do: (50W)(604,800s)= 3.024x10^7 J

Friday, July 8, 2011

Unit 8 Work and Energy

Work is any change in energy. It is determined by force and distance (w=fd) and is measured in Joules. When the water bottle is at rest it's not doing any work. But when I take it off the shelf and put it on the floor it is changing energy, thus doing work. It has potential energy when it is sitting on the shelf and that changes to kinetic energy while I am moving towards the ground. Kinetic energy is the motion of energy. So basically because it is moving it has kinetic energy. When it is sitting on what is considered ground level there is no potential energy, PE=0. The ground level is relative to what the entire picture is, so it can always be changed. If you consider the floor to be ground level then that is the point of equilibrium. But if you consider that this is the third floor and make the bottom floor the point of equilibrium then the floor here has a lot of potential energy The higher an object is the more potential energy there is. So sitting on the shelf has some potential energy but if it were on the roof it would have a lot. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Unit 7 Egg Drop

We relied on our knowledge of physics to craft a container that would protect our egg from falling ten meters and landing on cement. These are several factors involved: mass, velocity, momentum, dropping distance, falling time and the force of the fall. The goal is to have as small of a force as possible. More force is more damage to the egg. To figure this out we worked backwards, what determines the force? Well force is the change in momentum multiplied by time. To increase the time we wanted something that would cushion and absorb the fall and distribute the force over a longer period of time. The wheel like prism of our structure is made to collapse upon impact and absorb the force so the egg is unharmed. Momentum is a determined by the mass and velocity. Straws have a very low mass. Since they are so light they fall slowly with a low velocity. For all these reasons a straw cage worked well to protect our egg. I am very satisfied with the way our capsule turned out. Maybe something that could be altered is just scaling the size down so its smaller. Then it would have less mass. Although at the same time it would turn out to have less surface area to absorb the fall. So I'm not sure if that would be better or worse or make no difference really.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

More of Unit 7

There are two types of collisions: elastic and inelastic. Granted there is an "in between" range of elasticity. Ideally a totally elastic collision would be some sort of uninvented super bouncy ball, or flubber. Basically when two objects collide and bounce off of each other, we can call it an elastic collision. If the two objects become one however, then it is an inelastic collision. This lava lamp, for example, displays both types of collisions. Sometimes the wax blobs will bounce off of each other, this is an elastic collision. Sometimes they combine to form one great big wax blog and this is an inelastic collision. Both of these collisions conserve momentum, the only difference is that kinetic energy is not conserved during inelastic collisions, but we haven't learned about that yet.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Unit 7 Momentum and Impulse

In collisions, momentum is always conserved. So the velocity and mass of the components in a system can vary but the total momentum from before a collision equals the final sum of momentum. How do we know this? Well first off, lets define momentum in terms of physics. Momentum, often represented by the letter p, is mass times velocity (p=mv). We can use this equation to solve for any missing variable. Once the momentum is known, we can apply it to another equation. Average force equals change in momentum divided by change in time. So if my elephant (large mass) and zebra (small mass) run head on into each other at the same speed, we can use the first equation to figure out the momentum of my elephant is greater than the momentum of the zebra. Then I can see which has more force using the second equation. My calculations would show that the force of the elephant  is greater on the zebra than the zebra has on the elephant. All in all, the zebra would get more injured.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Semester Reflection

I learned several equations and how to apply them, but that's all math. I learned that a pulley can change the direction of gravity. I learned what a Newton is. I now can define the difference between velocity and speed. I know the three accelerators of a car- the brake, gas, and steering wheel. I learned that acceleration isn's just speeding up, it also includes slowing down. I learned that every object gets pushed back with as much force as it pushes another object. This is always true, it can never be not true. Thats what physics does, it bends your mind and puts a twist on what you thought you knew. I like the challenge of physics, because it is all applicable to your world. I started having a hard time with forces. That was the hardest part for me so far, but I'm getting the hang of it. 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Unit 6 Forces

Pulleys can do a magnificent thing. They change the direction of gravity. 
Gravity is a force that naturally always pulls down. It is a force that exists only on the Y axis when it comes to two dimensional kinematics. 

Lets say spider man is hanging from a pulley. If you were to draw a free body diagram of the pulley on the roof top it would include: the force of gravity going down, Normal force (equivalent to the force of gravity) pushing up, and tension pulling to the left. Spider man's free body diagram would have the force of gravity down, and tension to the left. Now I know I said gravity will be altered and here it is: we must combine these two diagrams to find the net force, or the total force applied in the scenario. The tension from the pulley lies on the X axis, but the tension from spider man is on the Y axis. We cannot compare apples to oranges, so we have to make these two tensions some how equivalent. Imagine taking the free body diagram for spider man and rotating it clockwise. Now the tension is running along the Y axis where we want it to be so we can calculate the net force of the two objects combined. However, in turning the entire free body diagram the force of gravity that was vertical is now running horizontally. In essence, the gravity on spider man has a side ways pulls. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unit 6 Forces in Acceleration

This angel has two forces acting upon it. Weight pulls down because of the force of gravity. Tension is a force that pulls up from the angel because it is hanging from a cord attached to the ceiling. The cord is holding up the weight of the angel so there is tension on the cord. The angel is in equilibrium because the upward and downward forces acting upon it are equal. The magnitude of the weight is equal to the magnitude of the tension so the forces are balanced.
If the cord broke then there would no longer be a tension force, only the force of gravity. Then the angel would no longer be in equilibrium. The unbalanced force of gravity would cause it to fall with acceleration. If an object is accelerating then it is not in equilibrium. It can move with constant velocity and still be balanced (a=0) but if there is any acceleration then its unbalanced. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Unit 5 More Newton

Today for unit five we reviewed Newton's three laws of physics. The first law is the Law of Inertia, that objects at rest (in motion) stay at rest (in motion) unless acted upon by an outside unbalanced force. The second law states that force equals mass times acceleration. The final law is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. We use these laws to recognize the habits of an object's action and analyze it. For example these buildings are at rest and will remain at rest just like the first law says. Since they have a great mass it would take a lot of force, such as a devastating earthquake, to disturb their state of rest. This is how the second law explains the direct relationship between mass and force. However if the city were made of paper buildings (small mass) then a slight breeze could just as well disrupt the city. The buildings push down on the ground with a certain force and the ground pushes back with that equal force. If this did not happen, then the buildings would sink into the ground. This is like the third law because the buildings push down with a force, and the ground pushes back with an upward (opposite) force. These laws can also be represented in Free Body Diagrams. That is a diagram that illustrates what forces are present using vectors. This is a simple way to sketch the magnitude and direction of different forces such as tension, weight, and friction. These diagrams will come in handy when several forces are affecting an object. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Unit 5 Newton's Laws

Newton's first law of physics is that an object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest, assuming there are no other factors affecting the object. In this picture the boy running with the soccer ball is moving at a constant velocity with the ball. If he were to trip the ball would keep rolling away, that is because the ball is an object in motion so it will continue to stay in motion. Realistically though the ball will eventually stop rolling only because of friction against the grass and other contributing factors.
Newton's second law of physics is that force equals mass times acceleration (F=ma). This equation basically represents the relationship between force and mass and acceleration. Let's say the boy in white passes the ball to the boy in blue and he kicks it into the goal. The ball has a mass and acceleration and so does the swing of the boy in blue's leg. In order to make a good kick his force must be stronger than the force of the ball that is passed to him. Lets say the soccer ball is really heavy like lead. If it were passed to the boy in blue its force would overpower the boy's kick and he would not be able to kick the ball.
Newton's final law regarding physics is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the picture above this is represented in running. The back leg pushes back against the ground in order to push the body forward and run. Or the wind back of a leg to make a powerful kick. So whenever an object pushes another option it gets pushed back (opposite direction) with equal force. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Unit 4 Diagonals

As we have been learning about projectiles in unit 4, the X and Y axis must be handled separately when it comes to 2D kinematics. We have been trying to understand this contradicting rule by applying it to simple scenarios. For example, a ball rolling off of a table. The ball rolling is represented by the X axis and once the ball rolls off the table, the falling downward takes places on the Y axis. It is easy to separate the two axes for this situation. Today, we stepped it up to a more complex level involving diagonals. It is harder to see the distinction between X and Y axes in diagonals so you have to treat the diagonal like a vector. A vector is a straight line whose length is magnitude and whose orientation in space is direction. They are usually represented by arrows. By breaking the diagonal vector into any two other vectors you can create a right triangle. As long as the two vectors start and end in the same place, they are equivalent to the diagonal. This places clear vectors running along the X and Y axes that are easier for us to use. The diagonal acts as the hypotenuse and the other vectors are now opposite and adjacent to the diagonal. For example, the slide in the picture above would be the diagonal that we try to break up. The ground underneath the slide is the vector on the X axis and the ladder leading up to the slide is the vector on the Y axis. You can use these sides in trigonometric functions (sine, cosine &tangent) to solve for velocity on the X or Y axis. And that is how you break down a diagonal in 2D kinematics.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Unit 4 2D Kinematics

Today we applied our knowledge of one dimensional kinematics, and figured out how to do 2D kinematics. 1D kinematics only involves one axis, so a ball rolling across the floor or a car driving only involves the X axis. Dropping something from a balcony or tossing a ball up in the air only involves the Y axis. However if the car were to drive off a cliff, or you played catch with a friend, two axes come into play. The key to handling 2D kinetics though is to always remember that the two axes are independent of each other. They do not affect each other. It's hard to wrap your mind around but consider this: in the picture above my friend and I, on the left, will hit the water at the same time as the boys on the right if we jump at the same time from the same height. Even though we jumped straight down and they ran out for a farther jump, we all landed at the same time. We all have the same Y variables or distance, acceleration, and velocity, only our X variables vary. In terms of the X axis we have 0 displacement, while they land out a couple meters. Also, we have no acceleration on the X axis, but they do because they ran and jumped. Time is a function of the Y axis, and our Y axis are the same so we land at the same time. The variation of X axis does not interfere with the Y axis, thus does not affect the falling time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summary of Quarter 1

Unit 1 was an introduction to physics. We began by developing a thorough understanding of metric measurements and how to convert these units. A few common graphs were also introduced to us. We learned how to identify the relationship of the graph, what is going on in terms of motion, and how to represent each graph with an equation. Once this basic knowledge was established we applied it in the following units.

Unit 2 was about Kinematics, or the study of motion. This called for a lot of graphs. We learned how to convert a position vs. time graph into a velocity vs. time graph, and the other way around. By comparing both of these graphs we could really analyze the motion of the object. We could look at what was going on with distance and velocity at the same time to see how they were related. We also began solving simple word problems with the new equation d=vt, that is distance=average velocity multiplied by the time.

In Unite 3 several new equations came in handy. We learned about acceleration, an addition to kinematics, and applied it in our new equations.  I learned that the acceleration of gravity here on earth is 9.8m/square second. With our three new equations we could solve word problems to find distance, velocity, time, or acceleration. This applied to several real life situations, such as a moving vehicle, dropping something, or throwing something.

This quarter I learned about the technical differences in scientific vocabulary. Before I would not have known the difference between speed and acceleration. Nor would i have recognized scalar values apart from vector values. Most importantly, I learned how deceiving motion can be. Who knew that to stop accelerating in one direction, you actually have to accelerate in the opposite direction. Or that two objects fall at the same rate regardless of mass. Or when a ball is tossed up into the air it undergoes several changes in velocity, but has the same acceleration the whole time. And it is accelerating in the same direction even though it goes up and down. Tricky tricky.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Unit 3 More Acceleration

This grass hopper faces constant acceleration when it is jumping. The force of gravity is always pushing down on it, so when it jumps it is always jumping against this force. When it winds its back legs and leaps it leaps with a great velocity. As time goes on the downward acceleration slows down the velocity of its jump. Eventually causing the velocity to be zero, this is the climax or peak of the jump. After this, the grass hopper begins to fall with a negative velocity, but still the same downward acceleration of gravity. Since it is now  falling with gravity and not against it, the grass hopper picks up speed. The velocity at the end of the jump, right before landing on the ground, is the same amount of velocity that the grass hopper jumped off with. So the velocity undergoes several changes, from fast, slow, stop, start up slow, and then finish fast. The acceleration, however, remains constant the whole time because gravity is not changing.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Unit 3 Acceleration

Today we were introduced to acceleration. Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the change in time. It basically is a change, either increase or decrease, in speed. If the speed is constant, or there is no speed, then there is no acceleration. For example when you first get into a boat and are not yet moving, you are not accelerating. Once you start the boat and go you are accelerating from zero. This is a picture of a boat that used to be behind us. Then their rate of acceleration increased while we maintained a constant speed (no acceleration) and they passed us. In the end, we all accelerate down for the no wake zone and then even more when the engine is turned off and the boat ride is over. At that point we have no acceleration again just like we started. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Unit 2 Kinematics Again

This plane is moving through the air in a certain direction at a certain speed, but it will not remain at the same speed all the time. For example, the instantaneous velocity at lift off and landing will vary. So an average velocity can be calculated as the change in displacement over the change in time. In regards to these three variables, if at least of the two variables are known, the third can be calculated.  
 That is how pilots predict the length of their journey. All they have to do is divide the distance of their destination by their average velocity to determine how long it will take to get there.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Unit 2 Kinematics

This red car is rolling swiftly down the hill. Since this car has values that can be measured with magnitude and direction it is called a vector. Some examples of vector measurements are displacement, or distance traveled in a certain direction, and velocity. The velocity, or speed in a direction, of the car will naturally accelerate as it goes down the hill. Acceleration is a change is speed or direction. When it reaches the bottom of the hill the acceleration will be zero because velocity will be constant, or unchanging. That is assuming the driver maintains a stable speed limit and doesn't hit the gas or slam on the breaks. The slope of a constant acceleration is zero and on a graph it would be represented by a flat horizontal line. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Unit 1

Thanks to physics, this fish is able to float. When the fish breaths in the oxygen produced by the filter its buoyancy increases. The buoyancy pushes the fish upward and gravity pushes it down. So by adjusting the volume of oxygen inside itself it can manipulate its density, defy gravity, and float. Volume is a derived unit, meaning it is based upon base units. The volume of this fish tank is 626,340 mL. I measured this with metric units because the metric system is an easy way to take measurements. It is a standardized system and can be easily converted to another metric unit. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

self introduction

My name is Kimberly Nicole Brown. I am the middle child of three girls and just turned 17. I like science because I think its interesting how it really does apply to everything around me. I also like how its a constantly growing knowledge. I have recently been getting into surfing. I am still a beginner but i just bought a board which is the first step. I am interested in a counseling career. I like to cook and i love roller coasters and the beach. I have taken Biology and Chemisty and gotten good grades for them. I just finished geometry and will be taking Alg 2 Trig this year. I hope to learn what physics really is. I know it has to do with movement and motion but that vague information is all I really know. I hope to learn interesting things that I can use to predict natural outcomes of given situations and understand how things work.