Monday, June 20, 2011

Unit 3 Acceleration

Today we were introduced to acceleration. Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the change in time. It basically is a change, either increase or decrease, in speed. If the speed is constant, or there is no speed, then there is no acceleration. For example when you first get into a boat and are not yet moving, you are not accelerating. Once you start the boat and go you are accelerating from zero. This is a picture of a boat that used to be behind us. Then their rate of acceleration increased while we maintained a constant speed (no acceleration) and they passed us. In the end, we all accelerate down for the no wake zone and then even more when the engine is turned off and the boat ride is over. At that point we have no acceleration again just like we started. 


  1. Please be careful, Kim. Acceleration is a vector value (and not a scalar value) so acceleration is based on the vector value: velocity (and not the scalar value of speed).

  2. oh right, haha thats what i mean. sorry i get them mixed up.
